AXIS Students

Wednesday nights @ 6 in the fellowship hall

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest commandment

Matthew 22:37-38

Antioch's AXIS Students has a mission to see students place God at the center of their lives. he doesn't want to be on the edge of our life, nor does He just want to be a segment of our life. The God of the universe, the God WAho made and loves us wants to be the hub of our heart and the AXIS of our existence.

Fellowship. Discipleship. Service

AXIS accomplishes this mission by:

  • Creating safe and fun programs and events that helps students reach their unsaved and unchurched friends with the Gospel.
  • Facilitating age and gender-based small groups where we equip them to go deeper in the Good News as they become disciples who make other disciples.
  • Providing opportunities to send students locally, nationally, and abroad to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.